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Use this slider to check out the Global and Local FaithTech Create challenges. Pray through which you might want to get involved with. And ask any questions by clicking the button to get in touch with the Challenge Partner. Create starts here!
Pitch summary:
How might we find a way to get the Gospel message out digitally when big tech platforms may not be available for advertising and leveraging media for the name of Jesus?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerChallenge:
Pitch summary:
How might we integrate a chatbot to our biblical web application, access SQL databases with different translations of the Bible, dictionaries, and other Bible resources, while also making the application accessible to users with GSM phones
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Bringing factory workers to Jesus.
Pitch summary:
How might we build redemptive factory workplaces and community, so that workers everywhere can find a safe job they want to stay at for longer.
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Building The Recovery App "URECOVER"
Pitch summary:
How might we create a addiction recovery app tailored towards the Gospel.
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Building a Catalyst for Human Connection
Pitch summary:
How might we create a suitable innovation to make the sharing of talents, skills or resources seamless and scalable.
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Building a Mentoring Community
Pitch summary:
The number of opportunities for inexperienced software developers is declining. Most businesses want to hire developers with years of experience or knowledge of specific tools, which can limit someone just getting starting. We think we need a different kind of organization that has experienced developers mentoring inexpereinced developers while working together on real software projects.
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerKansas City
Buyer Resist
Pitch summary:
How might we lead sex buyers to restoration in Jesus so that 1,000 men make a commitment to stop buying sex and to journey with Jesus in 2024?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Crowd Sourced
Pitch summary:
How might we crowd-source multi-lingual translation for communities around the world?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Cybermissions - Moodle Plugin
Pitch summary:
How might we code a Moodle plugin that enables students in the developing world to pay for all of their exams at once using Paypal.
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Digital Missionary Assistant
Pitch summary:
How might we develop an AI-assisted resource to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of online missionaries, particularly in managing communication?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Food4Kids Waterloo Region
Pitch summary:
How can we connect the families of the 3000 children in our area without basic supplies with the things they need to thrive in school and life?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerWaterloo, ON
Gospel for Everyone
Pitch summary:
How might we build an inclusive platform to support physically and mentally challenged individuals experience, understand and receive light from the Gospel in a way that is truly immersive and transformational?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Health Caring KW
Pitch summary:
How can we take a success tool sending thousands of medical text messages in refugee patients' native languages and help others around Canada and the world?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerWaterloo, ON
In Your Face
Pitch summary:
How might we create on-screen interaction functionality in open-source video conferencing to aid Bible Translation teams as they bring the gospel to the world?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Interactive Bible Content
Pitch summary:
How can we make an open, interactive, collaborative, and accessible Bible on the web to help more people see the riches in God’s word?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
Mark 5 Project
Pitch summary:
How might we build a platform to host and share stories of the Good News with people who are experiencing challenging circumstances and collect the stories needed to populate the platform?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerWaterloo, ON
Pitch summary:
How might we build a website that empowers individuals to make tangible positive changes in local communities and to create a more peaceful, equitable, and sustainable future for us all.
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerWaterloo, ON
The Apologist Project
Pitch summary:
How might we break down barriers to belief through a conversational AI trained on a range of topics in Christian apologetics?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
The Branch ELL Information System
Pitch summary:
How might we build a system that can take payments, track personal information, keep class rosters and grades so that we can house all ELL records in one place?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerNashville, TN
The Branch Volunteer Check-in/Check-out app
Pitch summary:
How might we get an online volunteer check-in and check-out system so that we can accurately account for our volunteers while they are serving with us and easily track volunteer hours?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerNashville, TN
Trade by barter: Bridging Gaps, Building Community.
Pitch summary:
How might we create an accessible and inclusive platform that facilitates essential resource exchange in underserved communities, so that immediate and unmet needs are addressed?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerVirtual (Global)
XUXA: Building Families, Building Faith
Pitch summary:
How might we develop an app to support global families as they seek ways to build deep intergenerational relationships and share their faith and traditions to younger generations?
Watch the short pitch to learn more.
Contact This PartnerOrlando, FL